Updated rules and guide for energy code modification appeals

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The Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) purpose is to help people, businesses and the UK economy by protecting competition and tackling unfair behaviour.

About this consultation

We are consulting on updated draft procedural rules and guidance for energy code modification appeals to replace the current rules (CC10) and guide (CC11).

We want to hear from you

We are seeking feedback from those who have an interest in the CMA’s process for energy code modification appeals. It may be of particular interest to regulators, consumer representative bodies and businesses as well as their legal and other advisers.

Responding to our consultation

You can submit your response using the consultation form below.

You can either

Please note, if you submit a response via email or the response form below, you do not need to do both.

If your response contains any information that you regard as sensitive and that you would not wish to be published, please provide a non-confidential version for publication on our website which omits that material and which explains why you regard it as sensitive at the same time.

If you need support with the form, or would like to send your response by email, contact ecmarulesandguide2024@cma.gov.uk.

Your personal data

Your name and contact details are your personal data. In collecting, receiving, storing, accessing and using your personal data, the CMA, as controller, is processing your personal data. The CMA processes personal data in accordance with data protection law. The CMA is processing your personal data so that it can contact you again, should it need further help or information from you, in order to carry out its merger work under Part 3 of the Enterprise Act 2002.

For more information about how the CMA processes personal data and your rights relating to that data, read our privacy notice.

The Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) purpose is to help people, businesses and the UK economy by protecting competition and tackling unfair behaviour.

About this consultation

We are consulting on updated draft procedural rules and guidance for energy code modification appeals to replace the current rules (CC10) and guide (CC11).

We want to hear from you

We are seeking feedback from those who have an interest in the CMA’s process for energy code modification appeals. It may be of particular interest to regulators, consumer representative bodies and businesses as well as their legal and other advisers.

Responding to our consultation

You can submit your response using the consultation form below.

You can either

Please note, if you submit a response via email or the response form below, you do not need to do both.

If your response contains any information that you regard as sensitive and that you would not wish to be published, please provide a non-confidential version for publication on our website which omits that material and which explains why you regard it as sensitive at the same time.

If you need support with the form, or would like to send your response by email, contact ecmarulesandguide2024@cma.gov.uk.

Your personal data

Your name and contact details are your personal data. In collecting, receiving, storing, accessing and using your personal data, the CMA, as controller, is processing your personal data. The CMA processes personal data in accordance with data protection law. The CMA is processing your personal data so that it can contact you again, should it need further help or information from you, in order to carry out its merger work under Part 3 of the Enterprise Act 2002.

For more information about how the CMA processes personal data and your rights relating to that data, read our privacy notice.

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Page last updated: 29 Jul 2024, 09:22 AM