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Study into regulatory restrictions on single-use plastics in the United Kingdom

Study into regulatory restrictions on single-use plastics in the United Kingdom

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Who we are

The Office for the Internal Market is part of the Competition and Markets Authority. It supports effective trading across the four nations of the UK by providing independent advice to the UK Government and Devolved Governments on the potential impacts of regulatory differences between the nations.


This survey is to help us better understand the effects that different single-use plastics regulations between the nations have on businesses, and how businesses respond to these differences.

Benefit to you

Submitting your views will improve our understanding of how businesses respond to restrictions on single-use plastic products across the UK. Policymakers can use these findings to take account of how businesses may respond when developing new regulations within the UK internal market.

How we will we use your information

Please be aware that information from this survey may be included in our publications, including any report we may publish on Single Use Plastics regulations.

The OIM may collect, use and share personal data for its work. This includes processing personal data for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. Further details are set out in the CMA’s Personal Information Charter.

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