Tell us about your experience of trying to buy Oasis tickets through Ticketmaster

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We’re concerned that fans trying to buy Oasis tickets through Ticketmaster may not have been given clear information about ticket prices.

As a result, we have opened an investigation into Ticketmaster and are gathering evidence to consider whether they may have broken the law.

As part of this, we want to know:

  • if you were given clear and timely information throughout the purchase process, including about the price you would have to pay
  • if it was clear that tickets could be subject to so-called 'dynamic pricing' (where the price varies in response to levels of demand), and how this would work
  • when Ticketmaster made clear what the final price you had to pay was
  • how long you were given to decide whether to buy tickets, and whether you felt under pressure to decide in a short period of time
  • if you experienced technical difficulties that meant you could not purchase tickets

If you experienced any of these, we want to hear from you. Complete the short form below to share your experience and any evidence (such as screenshots or emails).

Personal information

The CMA will collect, use and share personal data for its investigations and other related statutory purposes. The CMA expects that it will obtain personal information from you through this form.

By completing and submitting this form and by submitting information to the CMA via CMA Connect, you confirm that you agree with the CMA using your personal data for the purposes set out above.

Any personal data you provide us will be handled in accordance with our obligations under the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our personal information charter (opens in new tab) sets out the standards you can expect from us when we collect, use or share personal data and provides details of your rights in relation to that data and how to contact us.

For more information about how the CMA handles personal information, please see our personal information charter (opens in new tab).

We’re concerned that fans trying to buy Oasis tickets through Ticketmaster may not have been given clear information about ticket prices.

As a result, we have opened an investigation into Ticketmaster and are gathering evidence to consider whether they may have broken the law.

As part of this, we want to know:

  • if you were given clear and timely information throughout the purchase process, including about the price you would have to pay
  • if it was clear that tickets could be subject to so-called 'dynamic pricing' (where the price varies in response to levels of demand), and how this would work
  • when Ticketmaster made clear what the final price you had to pay was
  • how long you were given to decide whether to buy tickets, and whether you felt under pressure to decide in a short period of time
  • if you experienced technical difficulties that meant you could not purchase tickets

If you experienced any of these, we want to hear from you. Complete the short form below to share your experience and any evidence (such as screenshots or emails).

Personal information

The CMA will collect, use and share personal data for its investigations and other related statutory purposes. The CMA expects that it will obtain personal information from you through this form.

By completing and submitting this form and by submitting information to the CMA via CMA Connect, you confirm that you agree with the CMA using your personal data for the purposes set out above.

Any personal data you provide us will be handled in accordance with our obligations under the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. Our personal information charter (opens in new tab) sets out the standards you can expect from us when we collect, use or share personal data and provides details of your rights in relation to that data and how to contact us.

For more information about how the CMA handles personal information, please see our personal information charter (opens in new tab).

  • How to use this form

    Use this form to tell the CMA about your experience of trying to buy Oasis tickets through Ticketmaster.

    Do not use this form for anything else, or if you’re seeking immediate advice or support. Contact the relevant consumer advice organisation in your area (opens in a new tab).

    The CMA cannot advise or reply to your individual complaint, but we will use your information for our investigation.

    If you need help to use this form, email or call 020 3738 6000.

    What the CMA can't do

    • Reply to your individual complaint
    • Advise you or act on your individual circumstances
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Page last updated: 05 Sep 2024, 05:21 PM