Invitation to comment: SMS investigations into Apple and Google’s mobile ecosystems
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has launched two investigations under Part 1 of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer (DMCC) Act 2024.
The CMA is investigating whether to designate Apple and Google as having Strategic Market Status (SMS) in respect of their mobile ecosystems.
If a firm is designated as having SMS, the CMA can impose interventions including through setting conduct requirement or pro-competition interventions.
The CMA has published an invitation to comment (ITC) relating to its investigations and invites submissions, in particular on:
- the scope of our SMS investigations and main avenues of investigation
- potential interventions that the CMA may consider, if the CMA decides to designate Apple and/or Google as having SMS
We welcome responses on the questions set out in this ITC by 11:59pm on 12 February 2025.
How to respond
You can respond by email to or upload your response in the form below.
In your response, please state whether you are responding as an individual or are representing the views of a group or organisation. If the latter, please make clear who you are representing and their role or interest.
In pursuit of our policy of openness and transparency we will publish responses on our webpage. We may also wish to refer to comments received in response to this consultation in future publications.
If your response contains any information that you would not wish to be published, please also provide a non-confidential version for publication which omits that material and explains why you regard it as confidential, as specified in the invitation to comment.
You must include a non-confidential version of your response, which will be published following the consultation.
If you have concerns with your response being published, please include this information in your submission or contact the team at
Find out more
Find out more about the digital markets competition regime and SMS investigations on the guidance page for how the UK’s digital markets competition regime works. If you have any questions about this consultation or the DMU’s investigations please contact us at