CMA Annual Plan 2025 to 2026

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The Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) purpose is to help people, businesses and the UK economy by protecting competition and tackling unfair behaviour.

About this consultation

This consultation gives stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to provide views on our draft Annual Plan for 2025 to 2026: Promoting Competition and Protecting Consumers to Drive Economic Growth, Opportunity, and Prosperity for the UK.

We want to hear from you

We will be engaging stakeholders across the UK during the consultation period – particularly in the business, investor and consumer advocacy communities.

Responding to our consultation

Submit your response using the form below or by email to

When responding, say whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation.

What happens next?

We will consider all responses and publish a final version of the Annual Plan by the end of March 2025.

We will publish a summary of responses and feedback received through our stakeholder engagement. We will do this within the timescales set out in the Cabinet Office Consultation Principles.

We may also publish non-confidential versions of received responses.

Your personal data

Any personal data that you supply will be processed by us in line with data protection legislation. We will only retain and use your personal data for the purposes of our work (to ensure that we take your response into account) and we will then securely delete it. We will not share your personal data with any third party. For more information about how the CMA processes personal data, please see our Privacy Notice.

We will summarise all responses and publish a summary of responses received. The summary will include a list of organisations that responded, but not people’s names, addresses, or other contact details. Before publishing information, we will have regard to any restrictions placed on us by the law (for example, regarding confidential information). If you consider that your response contains information which is commercially sensitive or confidential for some other reason, please identify it, mark it as commercially sensitive or confidential and explain why. For more information, see Transparency and Disclosure: Statement of the CMA’s policy and approach.

Unless an exemption applies, we may disclose the fact that you have provided information to us, and the information you have provided, in accordance with our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

The Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) purpose is to help people, businesses and the UK economy by protecting competition and tackling unfair behaviour.

About this consultation

This consultation gives stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to provide views on our draft Annual Plan for 2025 to 2026: Promoting Competition and Protecting Consumers to Drive Economic Growth, Opportunity, and Prosperity for the UK.

We want to hear from you

We will be engaging stakeholders across the UK during the consultation period – particularly in the business, investor and consumer advocacy communities.

Responding to our consultation

Submit your response using the form below or by email to

When responding, say whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation.

What happens next?

We will consider all responses and publish a final version of the Annual Plan by the end of March 2025.

We will publish a summary of responses and feedback received through our stakeholder engagement. We will do this within the timescales set out in the Cabinet Office Consultation Principles.

We may also publish non-confidential versions of received responses.

Your personal data

Any personal data that you supply will be processed by us in line with data protection legislation. We will only retain and use your personal data for the purposes of our work (to ensure that we take your response into account) and we will then securely delete it. We will not share your personal data with any third party. For more information about how the CMA processes personal data, please see our Privacy Notice.

We will summarise all responses and publish a summary of responses received. The summary will include a list of organisations that responded, but not people’s names, addresses, or other contact details. Before publishing information, we will have regard to any restrictions placed on us by the law (for example, regarding confidential information). If you consider that your response contains information which is commercially sensitive or confidential for some other reason, please identify it, mark it as commercially sensitive or confidential and explain why. For more information, see Transparency and Disclosure: Statement of the CMA’s policy and approach.

Unless an exemption applies, we may disclose the fact that you have provided information to us, and the information you have provided, in accordance with our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).

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Page last updated: 13 Jan 2025, 04:42 PM